Thursday, January 8, 2009

float on

Getting too absorbed in things again. Time to back off.

Kharma's attempting to balance out. Or at least get close. I'd explain more, but I'm really too tired, and it's not a big deal anyways. As it is kharma's been heavily in my favor for quite a while now.

Missing some people, becoming detached from others. Such is the way of things.

One wonders if art dependent on currently-improving technology will still be considered as such in a few centuries. What happens when nostalgia no longer applies?

One wonders how much staying power anything has in our current society. If it's worth it to try and stay in the know when the know is too busy to remember more than the last twenty minutes. How important long-term memories are in a world where you can tell them to anybody while they're still short-term. How many will realize their importance.

One wonders if we'll ever evolve into a species that hibernates. Jesus hell I'm tired.

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